RPRI (Research Publication Rating and Indexing)

info@rpri.in / chairman-of-board@rpri.in


Before you start the application process, you are requested to read the basic criteria for journals’ inclusion and submit the correct information.

Criteria for Journal Inclusion

1. A journal must have at least one ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) that should be registered and confirmed at issn.org.
2. Open access journals published in any language may apply. Journals should adhere to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing.
3. The journal must be actively publishing scholarly research in any research subject area.
4. A new or flipped journal must demonstrate a publishing history of more than one year or have published at least ten open access research articles.
5. The journal must have its own dedicated URL and homepage that is accessible from any location.
6. Each article must be available as an individual, full-text article (one unique URL per article).
7. Use of a plagiarism checking service is highly recommended but not required for inclusion in RPRI.
8. RPRI only accepts open access journals, and define these as journals where the copyright holder of a scholarly work grants usage rights to others using an open license (Creative Commons or equivalent). This allows for immediate free access to the work and permits any user to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of articles, crawl them for indexing, pass them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose.
9. The following information must be available online and easily accessible from the journal website:
•    Aims and Scope
•    Journal ISSN (s)
•    Editorial Board with Institutional Affiliations
•    Open Access Policy Statement
•    Instructions for Authors
•    Journal Review Process (Peer Review)
•    Licensing Terms
•    Copyright Terms
•    Article Processing Charges
•    Publication Charges
•    Contact Details (Journal's Dedicated Email Address)
•    Publisher Registered Country Name

The Application Process

1. Publisher has to submit an online application with correct information at Application Form
2. Application is successfully submitted when you see an Application Successfully Submitted message screen and receive a confirmation email. (If you do not receive that email, contact us.)
3. After successfully receiving, your application will be forwarded to Journal Reviewer (Assessment and Rating) Board for the journal review as per the defined Journal Assessment and Rating Methodology.
4. The Journal Assessment and Rating Board may need to contact you during the assessment and rating process. Please answer honestly any questions they send you. This helps us process your application correctly. Be aware that they may reject an application if, after one month, haven't received answers to their questions.
5. The Chairman of Journal Assessment and Rating Board only will contact you through email-id of @rpri.in, check your spam folder frequently just in case the emails have ended up there.
6. After successful assessment, rating and indexing of journal you will receive an email of confirmation including Certificate of Rating and Indexing and unique URL for your Journal Dashboard.
7. Add the certificate as the Journal Impact Factor (Quality Score / Rating) and Indexing at the respective journal website page. For its validation, link with your journal dashboard page at RPRI.
8. After certificate validity expiry, you do not need to re-apply. The Journal Assessment and Rating Board will contact you for further process.
9. The time from submission to decision varies greatly and depends on the responsiveness of the journal contact and/or applicant. Generally, a decision is reached within three months. We cannot provide a status update for applications which are less than three months old.
10. You will receive an email giving the reasons for rejection of the application. Unless otherwise advised to not submit another application for the same journal until six months after the date of the notification of rejection.
11. If your application was rejected due to an unconfirmed ISSN, we may be able to reopen the application if the ISSN is confirmed within three months of the RPRI rejection.
12. You are responsible for providing accurate information when you apply. Applications that contain information that is inaccurate or wrong or that have answers missing are automatically rejected.
13. RPRI only accepts journals that follow good publishing practice. If our review finds a publisher is not adhering to best practice, has provided information that is untrue or misleading, or has questionable publishing practices, RPRI will not allow further applications from that publisher for a period of up to three years.
14. Journals already accepted into RPRI may be removed if they are found to be no longer adhering to RPRI criteria or publishing best practice. Please ensure that, if you do apply again after the exclusion period, the journal meets the RPRI criteria for inclusion and that any necessary changes have been made to the journal website or policies.


The journal assessment typically refers to the process of evaluating and analyzing scholarly journals to determine their quality, impact, and relevance in a particular field of study. This assessment is crucial for researchers, academics, and institutions to make decisions about journal for publication of their work. RPRI is committed for a free-of-charge journal assessment service.
Anyone can apply or suggest the journal for assessment and rating. The free-of-charge service takes 4-6 months to process as many journals applying.


Millions of journals are available globally, for any entry-level researcher it is very difficult to identify the genuineness and integrity of journals. RPRI journal indexing service provides a journal's master list with information in detail. It facilitates a journal search tool for finding genuine journals as per criteria.
RPRI is used by many researchers for journal selection, inclusion on the portal leads to higher visibility and paper submissions, it is very important for journals to be listed on our portal.


Article indexing is a crucial aspect of publishing and scholarly communication. It indexed articles in a directory with information in detail, it facilitates an article search tool for finding and downloading open-access articles as per criteria.
RPRI is used by many researchers for article reading and referring, inclusion on the portal leads to more article reads and citations, it is very important for journals to be listed on our portal.